30 Day Challenge – Clean Eating and Exercise routine

I have done a few 30 day challenges as a group and it always had a positive outcome at the end of the 30 days. It was not perfect but the mere fact of setting the intention and the awareness has helped  me make great progress. So, this time want to see what happens at the end of 30 days with this challenge.

What is the challenge?

Simply put for the next 30 days starting Sat Feb 25th  2018, every day will follow a clean diet, wont get into the specifics of the diet but doing quite a few 30 day challenges with RE Fitness and having great trainers in my life had given me a good sense of what to eat and what not to eat. Also, at the same time want to add in a cheat meal once a week, provided that it is earned:-), meaning if I had followed through during the rest of the week, then I deserve a cheat meal.

The second part of this is the physical exercise, any form of physical exercise that would elevate the heart rate and make me sweat is acceptable and it should be for at-least 15 minutes duration. Will record the workouts done each day here.

What happens when I do not follow through?

Without any guard rails it may not be an effective plan, so as suggested in the book Switch, using this site Stickk developed by Yale professors set some stakes.  You are more than welcome to do this challenge with me #letsdothis


Day 1: 2/25/2018


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Daily habit checklist

Daily Habit Checklist_v_1

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